Thursday, February 28, 2013
Huge Turnout Of Incensed Gun Rights Advocates Overwhelm NY Town Meeting After Alderman Calls Second Amendment Supporters “Tea Party Psychotards”…
More on this story from one of our readers.

By H. Hawke
When Hudson Alderman David Marston responded with a torrent of foul and abusive language to an email from NYS Organizer for Guns Across America Joanna Johnson-Smith urging him to reject the city’s proposed gun ban on city property, including for permit-holders, it’s unlikely he anticipated the backlash headed his way.
Neither, apparently, did the City of Hudson’s Legal Committee of Common Council.
On February 27 the Committee was forced to change their regular meeting from Hudson City Hall to the Central Fire Station main room to accommodate the larger than normal crowd expected to oppose the measure.
But even that was too small and attendees dragged their chairs, if they’d been fortunate enough to get one, into the firehouse truck bay after the engines were moved out.
The Legal Committee with Aldermen Donald Moore, Abdus S. Miah, John K. Friedman, Marstan and City Attorney Cheryl Roberts did their best to placate the crowd but gave in to demands the gun ban issue be addressed at the meeting’s outset rather than at the end as had been originally planned.
Friedman gave a brief overview of the proposed law, stating that the “misinformation” which had caused such a large crowd to gather had nothing to do with its intent which, he said, was an attempt to deal with employee safety issues.
He said there would be no vote on the law at the meeting and conversation would be limited to ten minutes.
Committee President Moore said the group was upset at being confronted by such a large and angry crowd who were obviously “against us” and stressed the committee was not trying to “do anything sneaky.”
But shouted questions from the audience forced the committee to call on Marstan to respond to the vile comments he had written to Smith when she had questioned his stance on the proposed law in an email several weeks ago.
Besides calling her a “gun toting tea party psychotard,” he had accused her of “grandstanding on mythical narratives of victimization,” described her ” spit” as “the white stuff frothing on the ends of that rotten little mouth of yours from which you spew this hateful ignorant trash,” and invited her to come to Hudson to protest the law, writing, “We’ll be happy to beat you barbarians back with the clubs of reason & responsibility, radical lunatics that you are.”
He ended his rant with this classic:
“And say, a quick ProTip, since you’re the ‘organizer’ for unemployed guns nuts USA. Next time you think these unhinged rants will change the mind of anyone who has even a modicum of intelligence, you might instead just go back down into your basement & watch another episode of wheel-of-fortune. It’ll certainly be just as effective. Remember: there are millions of Eagle Scout God Worshiping Patriots who find you & your radical ilk as disgraceful to American Democracy as the Brown Shirt jackboots you act like. I happen to be just one of them. Good Luck.”
Before the crowd of hundreds of infuriated gun rights activists Marstan told a different story. He apologized, saying he had drafted his response to her in “the heat of the moment” and he acknowledged the email had been inappropriate.”
“I let my lesser self get the better of me,” he said.
That wasn’t good enough for the crowd. One shouted, “Joanne (Smith) is the one he insulted, He should issue her a public apology.” They also insisted the Committee permit her to speak.
When she moved to the front of the room to say a few words the crowd erupted in cheers.
Smith, who is responsible for organizing the Second Amendment Rally in Albany on Thursday, February 28, featuring NRA President David Keene, State Legislators, the NYS Rifle and Pistol Association and SCOPE said she expects a turnout of between 10,000 to 15,000 at the event.
And, for what it’s worth, according to the Hudson City Attorney there’s no chance of the proposed gun law going into effect as it would be preempted by county and state ordinances already in effect.
“If the committee passed this law the city would be sued,” she said.
That was exactly what the crowd wanted to hear.
- See more at:
Huge Turnout Of Incensed Gun Rights Advocates Overwhelm NY Town Meeting After Alderman Calls Second Amendment Supporters “Tea Party Psychotards”…
More on this story from one of our readers.

By H. Hawke
When Hudson Alderman David Marston responded with a torrent of foul and abusive language to an email from NYS Organizer for Guns Across America Joanna Johnson-Smith urging him to reject the city’s proposed gun ban on city property, including for permit-holders, it’s unlikely he anticipated the backlash headed his way.
Neither, apparently, did the City of Hudson’s Legal Committee of Common Council.
On February 27 the Committee was forced to change their regular meeting from Hudson City Hall to the Central Fire Station main room to accommodate the larger than normal crowd expected to oppose the measure.
But even that was too small and attendees dragged their chairs, if they’d been fortunate enough to get one, into the firehouse truck bay after the engines were moved out.
The Legal Committee with Aldermen Donald Moore, Abdus S. Miah, John K. Friedman, Marstan and City Attorney Cheryl Roberts did their best to placate the crowd but gave in to demands the gun ban issue be addressed at the meeting’s outset rather than at the end as had been originally planned.
Friedman gave a brief overview of the proposed law, stating that the “misinformation” which had caused such a large crowd to gather had nothing to do with its intent which, he said, was an attempt to deal with employee safety issues.
He said there would be no vote on the law at the meeting and conversation would be limited to ten minutes.
Committee President Moore said the group was upset at being confronted by such a large and angry crowd who were obviously “against us” and stressed the committee was not trying to “do anything sneaky.”
But shouted questions from the audience forced the committee to call on Marstan to respond to the vile comments he had written to Smith when she had questioned his stance on the proposed law in an email several weeks ago.
Besides calling her a “gun toting tea party psychotard,” he had accused her of “grandstanding on mythical narratives of victimization,” described her ” spit” as “the white stuff frothing on the ends of that rotten little mouth of yours from which you spew this hateful ignorant trash,” and invited her to come to Hudson to protest the law, writing, “We’ll be happy to beat you barbarians back with the clubs of reason & responsibility, radical lunatics that you are.”
He ended his rant with this classic:
“And say, a quick ProTip, since you’re the ‘organizer’ for unemployed guns nuts USA. Next time you think these unhinged rants will change the mind of anyone who has even a modicum of intelligence, you might instead just go back down into your basement & watch another episode of wheel-of-fortune. It’ll certainly be just as effective. Remember: there are millions of Eagle Scout God Worshiping Patriots who find you & your radical ilk as disgraceful to American Democracy as the Brown Shirt jackboots you act like. I happen to be just one of them. Good Luck.”
Before the crowd of hundreds of infuriated gun rights activists Marstan told a different story. He apologized, saying he had drafted his response to her in “the heat of the moment” and he acknowledged the email had been inappropriate.”
“I let my lesser self get the better of me,” he said.
That wasn’t good enough for the crowd. One shouted, “Joanne (Smith) is the one he insulted, He should issue her a public apology.” They also insisted the Committee permit her to speak.
When she moved to the front of the room to say a few words the crowd erupted in cheers.
Smith, who is responsible for organizing the Second Amendment Rally in Albany on Thursday, February 28, featuring NRA President David Keene, State Legislators, the NYS Rifle and Pistol Association and SCOPE said she expects a turnout of between 10,000 to 15,000 at the event.
And, for what it’s worth, according to the Hudson City Attorney there’s no chance of the proposed gun law going into effect as it would be preempted by county and state ordinances already in effect.
“If the committee passed this law the city would be sued,” she said.
That was exactly what the crowd wanted to hear.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
During Feb. 22 testimony before an Illinois state house committee, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy admitted he’s never seen anyone with a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card (FOID) commit a gun offense.
“It just doesn’t happen,” McCarthy said.
Instead, McCarthy alleged most gun violence comes from gang members, who are “not eligible to receive [FOID] cards” to begin with. This also means they are not eligible to own guns in the state of Illinois.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Beretta To Bolt Maryland If Dem Governor’s Anti-Gun Bill Passes…
Next stop, Texas.
Via WaPo:
On the production floor of Beretta USA sits a hulking new barrel-making machine ready to churn out the next object of obsession in America’s love-hate relationship with guns: a civilian version of a machine gun designed for special operations forces and popularized in the video game Call of Duty.
Beretta, the nearly 500-year-old family-owned company that made one of James Bond’s firearms, has already invested more than $1 million in the machine and has planned to expand its plant further in Prince George’s County to ramp up production.
But under an assault-weapons ban that advanced late last week in the Maryland General Assembly, experts say the gun would be illegal in the state where it is produced.
Now Beretta is weighing whether the rifle line, and perhaps the company itself, should stay in a place increasingly hostile toward its products. Its iconic 9mm pistol — carried by every U.S. soldier and scores of police departments — would also be banned with its high capacity, 13-bullet magazine.
“Why expand in a place where the people who built the gun couldn’t buy it?” said Jeffrey Reh, general counsel for Beretta.
Concern that the company will leave, and take its 300 jobs with it, is palpable among state lawmakers who worry it could be collateral damage from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s proposed gun-control bill.
Among other restrictions, O’Malley’s bill would ban assault rifles, magazines with more than 10 bullets and any new guns with two or more “military-like” features. Gun experts said it’s a near-certainty that Beretta’s semiautomatic version of the ARX-160, now only a prototype, would be banned under O’Malley’s bill.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
The parents of a toddler with spinal bifida are outraged after TSA officials forced their daughter to undergo a series of additional security measures ahead of their flight to Disney World.
Nathan and Annie Forck were flying out of their home state of Missouri on a February 8 flight bound for Orlando, Florida with their wheelchair-bound daughter Lucy and their two other children.
Mrs Forck took a six-minute video detailing their toddler’s cries as she said through tears that she didn’t want to go to Disney World anymore, and is claiming the TSA discriminates against people who use mobility devices.
As Fox News Radio reports, the Forcks were attempting to fly to Orlando to enjoy a family vacation at Disney World and were flying out of Lambert-St Louis International Airport.
Though they got through the TSA security checkpoint without incident, a TSA agent pulled the family aside to screen Lucy’s wheelchair further for a pat down and swabbing her mobility device.
Mrs Forck pulled out her smart phone and began recording the whole event, against the TSA agent’s request.
‘It’s illegal to do that,’ the female agent is heard saying.
Mrs Forck responds: ‘You can’t touch my daughter unless I can record it,’ and later adds: ‘The problem is, I don’t allow anyone to touch my little daughter.’
Throughout the argument between the mother and the TSA agent, Lucy can be heard crying, apparently confused at what exactly was going on.
Her stuffed animal, ‘Lamby,’ had been scanned via X-ray and had not been returned to her.
Dave Thomas, from San Bernardino, California, had his impounded dog returned to him due to the actions of shelter photographer Maria Sanchez - who posted a heartbreaking picture of the separated pair on Facebook in a bid to raise money to have the dog released.
Donations flooded in and Thomas was reunited with Buzz Lightyear earlier this week.
But now, he has allegedly repaid the favor by threatening to sue Sanchez for embezzlement, slander and grand larceny.
Emotion: Mr Thomas, 36, was helped out by Good Samaritans including Maria Sanchez (left) who he has repaid by threatening to sue her
By your side: Mr Thomas sat alongside his pet Buzz Lightyear but was not allowed to have his dog back because he could not pay $400 fees at the pound
Thomas was jailed for a few days for traffic violations on February 13 - leading to Buzz Lightyear being impounded.
When he was released from prison, he could not afford the $400 fees to have the two-year-old pit bull mix released from its cage at the shelter.
When he visited his pooch, he weeped as he fed Buzz Lightyear water and Cheetos, and stroked his paw through the cage.
When Ms Sanchez saw the exchange, she took pictures and posted them on Facebook. Not only was the $400 for the release fee raised, but an extra $1,600 on top.
Because Thomas, 36, did not leave his details at the pound, Ms Sanchez went out of her way to find him, posting fliers all over the local area and appealing for help online.
She finally tracked him down on Monday evening and a highly emotional and relieved Mr Thomas was reunited with his beloved Buzz the following day.
Now, however, Thomas has threatened to sue Sanchez for not handing over the rest of the cash left over from the donations after the shelter fee was covered.
In a voice mail allegedly left by Thomas, he tells her: 'You are dead wrong and I will be getting in touch with the lawyer and if you do anything with my money that is slander one, embezzlement two…what’s the other one? Oh grand larceny because it’s over $1,000.'
Ms Sanchez posted the phone call on YouTube and defended herself.
She wrote: 'Dave has called to inform them that I am keeping the money raised for his dog. I have transferred $842.07 into my bank to reimburse myself for the shelter fees, vet and PetSmart shopping spree that I put onto my personal credit card.
'I had a discussion regarding the remainder of the donations and how he would like to spend them. I asked if he had any bills that were due at the time. I told him that every dime that was donated would go to him and Buzz, but that I would not be giving him the cash.
'I explained to him that the money that was donated was a blessing for him, I wanted to be sure that we respected that and used the donations responsibly. He sat next to me and nodded his head, Not one response, question or concern.'
She then revealed she was going to return the money to those who donated or else give it to an animal shelter.
'I have been reimbursed for all expense to rescue Buzz from the high kill San Bernardino City Shelter and reunite him with his owner Dave Thomas,' she added.
'There are donations leftover. The donations will NOT go to Dave after the stunt he has pulled. If you still want Dave to have your donation, I will have to ask you to send it to him personally.
'No good deed goes unpunished, right?'
Thursday, February 21, 2013
More Gun Makers Stop Selling To Law Enforcement In Anti-Gun States…
List via The Blaze:
- Olympic Arms, Inc
- La Rue Tactical
- EFI, LLC – Extreme Firepower
- York Arms
- Templar Custom
- Cheaper Than Dirt
- Bullwater Enterprises
- Westfork Armory
- Smith Enterprise
- Alex Arms
- Spike’s Tactical
- Quality Arms
- Liberty Suppressors
- Doublestar Corp
- American Spirit Arms
- Trident Armory
- Head Down Products
- J&G Sales
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
St. Louis “Knockout Game” Thug Shot And Killed After Breaking Into Home Of Armed American…
The “knockout game” involved groups of racist black youths sucker punching an unsuspecting white person.
ST. LOUIS, MO. (KTVI) – The teenager shot and killed by a homeowner while allegedly breaking into the man’s house had been in the news before. In fact, FOX2 has learned, he was once charged in the case that made the phrase “knockout game” common in St. Louis.
Demetrius Murphy, 15, died Friday morning after he and another teen, Michael Bryant, allegedly tried to break into a man’s home on Tennessee. Police say the homeowner emerged with a gun. Bryant ran, but they say Murphy confronted him and was shot and killed.
When it happened, the ears of Matt Quain perked up. It was back in 2011 that Quain and a friend were walking along Grand, returning from a “beer run” to Schnucks, when they say a group of teens jumped them. Quain was beaten badly, suffering neck injuries and a broken jaw. He was discovered bleeding in the street by Mayor Francis Slay and his security guard.
Murphy, just thirteen at the time, was the one identified by Quain as his attacker. Sources tell Fox 2 that Murphy was headed to trial in the “knockout game” case, but a young witness suddenly refused to testify, forcing the charges to be dropped.
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA), thinks Chicago’s embattled police superintendent dug himself deeper into a pit of controversy today by claiming that lawful firearm owners are agents of political corruption. Appearing on a Chicago Sunday morning talk show, superintendent Garry McCarthy expressed his conviction that firearm owners who lobby their elected representatives or who donate money to political campaigns are engaged in corruption that endangers public safety. McCarthy went on to express his belief that judges and legislators should rely on public opinion polls when interpreting our Constitution.
After dismissing the citizen’s right to redress grievances, McCarthy focused on the 2nd Amendment. Despite recent court decisions to the contrary, McCarthy opined that the 2nd Amendment limits citizens to owning smooth-bore muskets. McCarthy went on to say that he believes the 2nd Amendment supports mandatory liability insurance for firearm owners and the mandatory application of GPS tracking devices to civilian owned firearms.
Knicks star Amar’e Stoudemire is touting the crazed manifesto of ex-cop-turned-cop-killer Christopher Dorner as “a must read.”
The hoopster took to Twitter Sunday to reveal his interest was piqued by the 20-page rant Dorner left on his Facebook page, in which he declared war on the Los Angeles Police Department.
“Interesting. This is a must read!!” Stoudemire tweeted and linked to the manifesto Dorner addressed “to America.”
In his deranged decree, Dorner railed against corruption in the LAPD and portrayed himself as a victim of institutional racism, fired for crossing the thin blue line to report a sergeant for brutality.
Stoudemire did not elaborate on his tweet. But many of the hoopster’s nearly 806,000 Twitter followers were taken aback by his reading recommendation.
“Really?! A murderer’s hateful manifesto is worth reading?” wrote one follower.
Two people are being questioned in the shooting death of a Janay McFarlane, who was shot to death in North Chicago hours after her little sister sat just feet away as President Barack Obama spoke in Chicago Friday about the violence plaguing the nation.
McFarlane was shot to death hours after her little sister, Destini, 14, sat just feet away as President Barack Obama as he spoke in Chicago Friday about the violence plaguing the nation.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Cowboy rules for: Oregon, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma,Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Nebraska, Idaho, and the rest of the Wild West are as follows: 1. Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot. 2. Turn your cap right, your head ain't crooked. 3. Let's get this straight: it's called a 'gravel road.' I drive a pickup truck because I want to. No matter how slow you drive, you're gonna get dust on your Lexus. Drive it or get out of the way. 4. They are cattle. That's why they smell like cattle. They smell like money to us. Get over it. Don't like it? I-10 & I-40 go east and west, I-17 & I-15 goes north and south. Pick one and go. 5. So you have a $60,000 car. We're impressed. We have $250,000 Combines that are driven only 3 weeks a year. 6. Every person in the West waves. It's called being friendly. Try to understand the concept. 7. If that cell phone rings while a bunch of geese/pheasants/ducks/doves are comin' in during a hunt, we WILL shoot it outta your hand. You better hope you don't have it up to your ear at the time. 8. Yeah. We eat trout, salmon, deer and elk. You really want sushi and caviar? It's available at the corner bait shop. 9. The 'Opener' refers to the first day of deer season. It's a religious holiday held the closest Saturday to the first of November. 10.. We open doors for women. That's applied to all women, regardless of age.. 11. No, there's no 'vegetarian special' on the menu. Order steak, or you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the 2 pounds of ham and turkey. 12. When we fill out a table, there are three main dishes: meats, vegetables, and breads. We use three spices: salt, pepper, and ketchup! Oh, yeah ... We don't care what you folks in Cincinnati call that stuff you eat... IT AIN'T REAL CHILI!! 13. You bring 'Coke' into my house, it better be brown, wet and served over ice. You bring 'Mary Jane' into my house, she better be cute, know how to shoot, drive a truck, and have long hair. 14. College and High School Football is as important here as the Giants, the Yankees, the Mets, the Lakers and the Knicks, and a dang site more fun to watch. 15. Yeah, we have golf courses. But don't hit the water hazards - it spooks the fish. 16. Turn down that blasted car stereo! That thumpity-thump ain't music, anyway. We don't want to hear it anymore than we want to see your boxers! Refer back to #1!And there is more............. The COWBOY Solution to save Gasoline. OBAMA wants us to cut the amount of gasoline we use..... The best way to stop using so much gasoline is to deport 15 million illegal immigrants! That would be 15 million less people using our gas. The price of gas would come down..... Bring our troops home from Afghanistan to guard the borders....When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the Border, hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Afghanistan ....Tell him if he wants to come to AMERICA then he must serve a tour in OUR military.... Give him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it...... After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended this country..... He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal resident...... This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for the troops in Afghanistan and the aliens trying to make a better life for themselves. ........ If they refuse to serve, ship them to Afghanistan anyway,without the canteen, rifle or ammo. Problem solved..... |
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Robbery Victims Shooting Attackers Called ‘Alarming Trend’
In the first incidence, two teenagers thought it would be a good idea to rob the 70 year old coach of a girl’s high school basketball team at Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School. The coach was escorting two of the girls to their cars in the school parking lot when the teens, 15 and 16 years of age, confronted the coach, grabbing him by a chain necklace he wore and sticking something in his chest that he assumed was a gun. The girls ran away as the coach was being attacked.
The boys failed to realize that the coach is a reserve police officer who was armed at the time. He managed to get his gun and shoot both teens. The 16 year old died from his wounds and the 15 year old was taken to the hospital in serious condition. The police are still reviewing the shootings, but all indications say that it was a clear case of self-defense.
In the second incidence, two teenagers targeted a pair of utility workers in Detroit. One of the workers also had a conceal carry permit and was legally armed. Like the coach, he was able to pull out his handgun and shoot the two would-be robbers. One was listed in serious condition and the second was reported to be in critical condition.
Some people in Detroit, including the one news person, are referring to the two incidences of self-defense as an alarming trend. Alarming for who?
If anything it should be alarming for others contemplating robbing someone else in Detroit. It’s also alarming for the Obama administration along with the rest of the anti-gun lobby as they can’t let the public think that there really is a good justification for people being armed and protecting themselves. After all, what would that do their argument that everyone should be disarmed?
Personally, I think it’s great and would like to see more American’s defending themselves from robbers, rapists and other attackers. In too many cases, the victims of these crimes are senselessly shot down so they can’t identify their attacker. I would much rather be in a position to defend myself than to be the victim of a crime that could have been prevented. Which would you rather be – victim or alive?
Read more:
Saturday, February 9, 2013
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