Robbery Victims Shooting Attackers Called ‘Alarming Trend’
In the first incidence, two teenagers thought it would be a good idea to rob the 70 year old coach of a girl’s high school basketball team at Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School. The coach was escorting two of the girls to their cars in the school parking lot when the teens, 15 and 16 years of age, confronted the coach, grabbing him by a chain necklace he wore and sticking something in his chest that he assumed was a gun. The girls ran away as the coach was being attacked.
The boys failed to realize that the coach is a reserve police officer who was armed at the time. He managed to get his gun and shoot both teens. The 16 year old died from his wounds and the 15 year old was taken to the hospital in serious condition. The police are still reviewing the shootings, but all indications say that it was a clear case of self-defense.
In the second incidence, two teenagers targeted a pair of utility workers in Detroit. One of the workers also had a conceal carry permit and was legally armed. Like the coach, he was able to pull out his handgun and shoot the two would-be robbers. One was listed in serious condition and the second was reported to be in critical condition.
Some people in Detroit, including the one news person, are referring to the two incidences of self-defense as an alarming trend. Alarming for who?
If anything it should be alarming for others contemplating robbing someone else in Detroit. It’s also alarming for the Obama administration along with the rest of the anti-gun lobby as they can’t let the public think that there really is a good justification for people being armed and protecting themselves. After all, what would that do their argument that everyone should be disarmed?
Personally, I think it’s great and would like to see more American’s defending themselves from robbers, rapists and other attackers. In too many cases, the victims of these crimes are senselessly shot down so they can’t identify their attacker. I would much rather be in a position to defend myself than to be the victim of a crime that could have been prevented. Which would you rather be – victim or alive?
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