Mexico’s Attorney General Marisela Morales
Morales told Mexican reporters that she is demanding a full and honest explanation from the United States government especially since evidence is being gathered that reveals the Obama administration was more involved in Operation Fast and Furious than top officials admitted in their sworn statements.
If what is being reported is true, U.S. Attorney General and other government officials may have committed perjury and/or obstruction of justice if it’s proven they lied when testifying before House and Senate committees.
Well, good luck with that. Perjury in this administration is as important as a gnat on a banana, but how refreshing it must be to have your country’s Attorney General stand up for the sovereignty of your own nation.
Morales said that if U.S. federal officials were involved, it would be a “betrayal” of Mexico while its police and military were fighting a war against drug cartels. Tens of thousands of Mexicans have been killed since the “war on drugs” began in 2006. Almost weekly, Mexican authorities are finding mass graves of those murdered by the cartels.
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