So much for that “charm offensive” the MSM was crowing about.
Via Politico:
President Obama warned Monday that the United States could lose years in the race for scientific innovation because of Republicans’ fixation on cutting spending, including investments in scientific research.
“Right now, we’re on the brink of amazing breakthroughs that have the chance, the potential to change life for the better, which is why we can’t afford to gut these investments in science and technology,” he said. “Unfortunately, that’ 
what we’re facing right now because of the across-the-board cuts that Congress put in place — the sequester as it’s known in Washington-speak — it’s hitting our scientific research.
“Instead of racing ahead to the next cutting-edge discovery, our scientists are left wondering if they’ll get to start any new projects, any new research projects at all over the next few years, which means that we could lose a year, two years of scientific research as practical matter because of misguided prioirties here in this town,” Obama said. “With the pace of technological innovation today, we can’t afford to stand still for a year or two years or three years; we’ve got to cease every opportunity we have to stay ahead, and we can’t let other countries win the race for ideas and technology of the future.”