Dems proving once again they are lower than pond scum.
(CNSNews.con) – Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) says she will introduce a gun-control bill on the first day of the next Congress: “It will ban the sale, the transfer, the importation and the possession –  not retroactively, but prospectively –” of “assault weapons” as well as high-capacity magazines.
And Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said he will hold a hearing in two weeks on “this constitutional question,” a reference to the Second Amendment. “That’s the starting point,” he said. [...]
Durbin says the “conversation” about guns has been dominated by “Washington,” and he appealed to “hunters and sportsmen” to add their voices:
“We need people, just ordinary Americans, to come together, and speak out, and to sit down and calmly reflect on how far we go. I’m going to be holding a hearing after the first of the year, in about two weeks or so, on this constitutional question. That’s the starting point,” Durbin said.
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President Obama promised Sunday evening he would take action in the coming weeks to prevent mass shootings such as the one that took the lives of 20 children in Newtown, Connecticut.

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